My Sewing Machine Arrived! I am sooooo excited. I am posting a picture of my new machine. I unpacked the machine out of its packing box and layed all the items out to make sure it came with all the pieces. I must say that I am overwhelmed. It will take me two years to figure out what each gidget and gadget does. I have my first class on Sunday, July 20th. They will instruct me on the care of this machine. I will then have my name put on a waiting list to take the next two classes. These classes aren't available until September unless someone cancels. Yikes! If I want to do some sewing, I'll have to be brave and open my manual and self teach myself. I was cutting the material into 2 1/2 inch strips with my new rotary cutter. I have never used a rotary cutter before in my life. Guess what happened? Yep, you guessed it! I nearly cut off my finger. I cut my material and layed the strips aside with my rotary cutter. I used my hands to brush out the wrinkles in my material and my 4th finger went right into the blade of the cutter. Ouch! I thought I was going to have to get stitches. Now, my husband didn't know how much I paid for the machine and now I cut my finger and probably needed stitches but I couldn't tell him I cut it because he would get upset with me for being stupid. He would probably have yelled at me more for cutting my finger than spending the money on the machine. Anyway, I bandaged my finger and it is healing fine. I'm just afraid to use the rotary cutter again.
This past weekend, I went to Sisters, OR to see the quilt show. It was wonderful. Thousands of people attended and I only got to see a quarter of the quilts as I had to head back home sooner than I wanted. I went with my friend from work and her best friend. We had a blast and plan to attend again next year.
Take care!
YEAHHH!! Your machine looks great!
Ouch!! Do be very careful with that rotary cutter.... always close it before setting it down. I have heard of horror stories with the cutter and had a near mishap myself. When I first started to quilt and while clearing my work area one day, I accidentally knocked the open rotary cutter off the counter, and it just missed my little toe less than an inch! Needless to said, I'm much more careful now.
Wish we live closer to each other so we can have a sew day together.
Glad you enjoyed the Sisters show. Maybe we can go together next year; I'm planning a trip to go see it. Shh... don't tell John, but the trip includes him, the kids, and the dogs! hee hee
I did receive your address, but I am just now finishing up your gift. I got waylaid with the flu and a nasty sunburn. I am feeling better now, so I hope to finish your package this weekend and have it out on Monday. Sorry for the delay.
Your blog is way easy to comment on. Thanks for checking with me.
I have nicked myself with the rotary cutter a couple of times when I forgot to retract my old one. Because the cut is so clean, it does tend to heal quickly and not leave much of a scar. My mom got me a dritz for my birthday. It's blue and retracts on it's own. I feel much more comfortable with it than with my fiskars. I saw them at Michaels a couple of weeks ago for less than $15, and you can use the JoAnn's 40% off coupon.
Oh my gosh, get to a rotary cutting class as fast as you can!! Even when you know what you're doing, I've seen some pretty nasty cuts. Or read a book! Hey, I have a book for you, just send me your address and I will mail you Rotary Cutting by Alex Anderson. It is great and it tells you how. After I read it I was fine. I was self taught in the beginning myself! I LOVE your machine--it will be your new best friend in no time. I mean it now, send me your address!!
Hugs, Diane
Congratulations to your new sewingmachine, a wonderful choice.
Greetings from Germany
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